Department of Applied Chemistry

发布时间:2020-12-21来源:伟德国际BETVlCTORAPP官网 浏览次数:

The Department of Applied Chemistry has the undergraduate major of Applied Chemistry with three directions -- oil and gas field chemistry, fine chemicals, and industrial analysis. There are laboratories of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, general chemistry, applied chemistry, and instrumental analysis and a chemical analysis and testing center serving both inside and outside the university. The Department undertakes the theory and experiment teaching tasks of the General Chemistry course of the whole university and the Basic Chemistry course and the Applied Chemistry course of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. In recent years, the Department has undertaken and completed a large number of scientific research projects and published more than 180 teaching and research papers, over 80 of which are included in SCI, EI, and ISTP, and 4 textbooks and monographs. It has won 1 First Prize of Provincial and Ministerial Teaching Achievement Award, 3 Provincial and Ministerial Scientific Research Achievement Awards, and 4 Bureau-level and Departmental Scientific Research Achievement Awards and formed remarkable characteristics in such aspects as theoretical research on petroleum colloid and interface chemistry, synthesis and application of chemicals for oil and gas fields, functional polymer synthesis, and synthesis and application technologies for fine chemicals.

关闭 打印责任编辑:张少良